Teresa Read Soul Space

Let Me Help You Improve Your Life

Helping You Achieve Your Goals

We were created as whole and my hope is to help you come back to wholeness and live a life of pure bliss.


The modalities I use.

We are all unique. Our physical make-up; our experiences all shape us into who we are. I'm qualified in a range of therapies and will choose the ones to best help you.

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Timeline Therapy ™
  • Ashati
  • Reiki

How I Can Help

When you come to me for help, you can be assured that you will come to a safe place. I have many pathways and options to assist you with your issues to help you find a life where you can flourish.

Women talking with atherapist

Why Choose Me

You can be assured that I am dedicated to helping get you to a good place emotionally and professionally. I believe that when we remove negative emotions, it alters your path in life that can create a more positive life.

Speak With Me Today

If you are 100% ready to be fully committed to achieving the best in your life, I can be your guide. To get started on becoming a better, well-rounded person, get in touch with me today.